Joannes (EN)

Dr Joannes M. Thuy studied at the Lemmensinstituut in Mechelen and Leuven, at the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen, and at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Antwerp (BE). He also studied Music Therapy with Ad Haans in Venray (NL). In the USA (UCLA) he obtained a Master’s Degree (MA) in Musicology, with a thesis on “Film Music”, en obtained later Cum Laude a Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Musicology and in Psychology of Music, with a thesis on “The effect of Music to the Human Brain and the Memory”. At the New York Training Centre (USA) he obtained the diploma of Master-Practitioner in Neuro-Linguïstic Programming (NLP) & Communication. At the HKU, Utrecht School of the Arts in Utrecht (NL) and Dutch Carillon School, he studied with Gijsbert Kok and Frans Haagen and obtained the diploma of Bachelor of Music with honours in Carillon Music.

Joannes is carillonneur at Temse (BE) and in the Netherlands on the carillons of Amersfoort (Our Lady Tower and the Belgian Monument). Yearly, he is Guest Carillonneur on the Porter Memorial Carillon, United Methodist Church, in Dallas, Texas, USA. He’s also one of the carillonneurs of the Traveling Carillon of the City of Prague (CZ).

Carillon Porter Memorial, Dallas TX USA

Joannes Thuy build up a 30-years’ career as the organist-titular of the St-Carolus Borromeus church in Antwerp. Since 1974 he was Senior Producer and Editor-in-Chief for the Belgian Radio & TV. He worked as Music Therapist in the psychiatric clinics of Venray (NL) and Sint-Niklaas (BE), and was teacher at several Music Academies and lecturer at the RITS (Film- and TV studies, Erasmus High School, Brussels). Joannes Thuy was since 1996 Visiting Professor at the Ghent University (BE) where he lectured in the faculty of Communication Studies – among other subjects – on Film Music and Audio-Visual productions. As a musician he performed in many concerts in Belgium and abroad. He also composed and performed music for film, TV and theatre.

Commencing 2000 until 2003, Joannes Thuy was Press Secretary and Counselor for the Belgian Justice Minister, Dr Marc Verwilghen.

Following this, until end of 2013, he worked as international Spokesperson and Head of Unit Communication at Eurojust, the European Union’s Judicial Cooperation and Coordination Agency in The Hague. At present, he is an Extern Expert for the European Commission in Brussels and member of the board and DPO of AIACE (EU retired staff) Belgium.

In September 2013, Joannes was appointed by H.M. King Filip of the Belgians to Officer in the Order of  Leopold, the oldest and highest order of knighthood. The honneurs were bestowed on him by  H.E. Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council.

Joannes is a member of Mensa International and past Vice-President of Mensa Belgium